I am a shark attack surviver!

My ChadWayne had two emergency medical training tests this week. I want to make sure he does his best because he will one day be the sole provider for our family. (hopefully!) 

So I decided that I would help him study by setting up an accident scene so he could act out what he would do! I was so pumped. 

1. Create an accident. 
2. Injury yourself.
3. Play dead/unconscious 
4. Wait. 

CAUTION: I look like a little boy. But I'm a girl. 

In the words of Beyonce "I'm a survivor." 

Butt Face

ChadWayne says my face is soft, like a baby's bum. 
I have a butt face now. 
Thank you. 
Good thing I love him. 

We have a tree in our house. A REAL TREE ...made of vinyl of course. If you are a newlywed, definitely test the strength of your marriage with vinyl. This tree is at least 6 ft. tall by 3 ft. wide. And every leaf is individual. It did not want to stick to the wall. Frustration at the highest. Clearly, our marriage is stronger than ever because of our tree. 

I eat my own words

Today, I was accepted to the University of Utah. The same University I've said horrible things about, saying I'd never go there even if they paid me to. 

And now, I'm paying them. 

But I'm excited to continue my education...in English. Yes, I love English. Maybe I'll be a book editor or a publisher. Or a high school teacher, and if so, I want to be just like Mrs. Bonnie Larsen. (if you want a good laugh everyday, read her blog)

I called my parents to tell them the exciting news. My dad.. well.. he was very proud of me for going back to school..and for getting in. However, his heart breaks that I'll be attending the "dark side". My sister, Kenna, she freaked!! More than my dad. But she then congratulated me. I know they are proud of me and, hopefully, will still love me fully. :) 

I'm like blood. I'm blue inside but red outside. 

(I know, technically our blood isn't blue, it's just the veins, but humor me)

Our Home

After being in our home for almost a month.. here are the pictures our of lovely home!!!
 in the kitchen.. where I belong
 our little counter
 our pantry
 our entry way/hallway
 living room
 other side of living room
 our dining table 
 our darling bathroom
 guest room/office 
 guest room/office
 our bedroom
our closet

Thats our home!! We love it! 
Pictures taken by Chad Wayne