There are two type of people reading this. 
1. Those who regularly read my posts (..when I do post)
2. Those who read "SCREAMING ORGASM" 

I have experienced a screaming orgasm!!!

At Jamba Juice of course.

It's a wonderful drink. A little peachier than the Carribean Passion..but really good. 

But what's more exciting than the drink.. is asking the person behind the cash register. 

"Hello. Welcome to Jamba Juice. How can I help you?"
"Hi. I'd like...uhmm... (turning red).. hehehehe...." You lean in as close as you can and whisper, "Can I please get uhhmmm a regular uhhh screaming orgasm please...hehehehehehehehe."

It is also known as a Dirty Orgasm. 

Some of you may ask "How does Sam know this?" 
It is because of their Secret Menu of course. 

My next drink will be a Penis Shooter. :) 
What will your's be?